Thursday, June 4, 2015

Simple Reminders to Cry Out

In Psalm 107, we find the emphasis lies on God’s goodness in spite of man’s sin. God is always, consistently faithful, and yet I find my heart prone to wander away from His presence. As a believer, we must remember that when we feel far away from God, the one who promised never to leave us or forsake us, that our feelings are deceptive, but do provide a glimpse into the state of our hearts. When we turn our backs on God, we lose sight of Him to rebel, but God never loses sight of us. He stands to save and never backs away from the promises he offers. 

Psalm 107 offers an emphatic recounting of this truth. In verses 6, 13, 19, and 28 we find that every time man has come to his end (the end of his rope, his strength, his thoughts, his abilities, his resources), he has cried out to God. That in and of itself is not that spectacular; we are trained from infancy to cry out when our needs are not met in a timely fashion. What is spectacular is that God, the almighty Father we have continually turned our backs on, is so ever present that when we cry, He always hears us. Not only does he hear us, "he delivers them from their distress." Four times in this Psalm do we find God's readiness and willingness to save his children when they cry out to Him.

What we also find is the term, "steadfast love" six times throughout this passage. This particular phrase is used in nearly every Psalm as a heavenly reminder that His love never fades or is disrupted by our character, because of His great character.

In my failings, I need the constant reminder and hope of God's Word, that specifically the Psalms offers: God's love is not dependent on me. He is ever faithful and ready to respond to my cries in distress, but longs to lead me away from the things that would steal my joy to begin with. In tenderness, He seeks to love me and His constant presence, another sign of His faithfulness, reminds me that a covenant births a relationship.

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